Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Observation #3: My Own Independent Filmmaking Situation

I need to be clear as to where I fit in to the independent documentary film world.  Yes, I am an independent documentary filmmaker and I have a day job.  My day-job is being the primary caregiver to my, now teenage son, and running my family household.  My husband has a job that supports all of us so I freelance and teach when I want to but I don't have to.  In this way, I am very, very lucky and privileged.  I am so grateful to my husband for supporting me and my work.

I never thought that I would be supported by a man in life but frankly, I feel like we both support each other.  He supports us, my family, economically, and I support us all by taking care of the "backend", the details of our lives, the organization, making sure we are all fed, clothed, cultured, educated, and happy.  We are truly a partnership here, a definite upper middle class, "first world" partnership, but one nonetheless. 

While I am very busy being our "houserunner" as in "showrunner" on television (I'm the producer/project manager of the house so my title should damn well show that; in my mind I am certainly not a homemaker!),  I am also very active in a volunteer organization that helps elevate and mentor women in the media industry.  I helped found this organization about seven years ago and through it I plan events, manage inner workings, lead meetings, do budgeting etc.  It takes up a lot of my time.  That said, I do have the freedom to work creatively without the pressure of earning a living and that in itself is a huge privilege that I don't take for granted.

I have a room of my own to work, write, and process, and that is a huge luxury.  I also have the luxury of taking on work that I feel good about.  Currently, I'm working with nonprofits to further their messages and highlight their good works through video and I love it.

I am in a strange position of having feet in two very different worlds, one is the independent film world and the other is in the privileged world of upper middle class professionals.  As such, I don't really fit in in either place.  However, each space gives me so much perspective on the other and lets me observe with fresh eyes.  I like that.

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